Our Campaigns

43 Donators

Safe Life

Your donation will help protect rights and save lives in more than 90 countries worldwide
Raised: $231.52 billionGoal: $980,000.00
16 Donators

Make the world more fair.

You can help make the world more fair, equal and sustainable by supporting a human rights defender.
Raised: $41,662.00Goal: $120,000.00
5 Donators

Right & Save llives

Donate now to help defend Promoting and protecting human rights for all human rights & save lives.
Raised: $150,650.00Goal: $180,000.00
2 Donators

Clean water for kids

Vestibulum quam nisi, pretium a nibh sit amet, consectetur hendrerit mi. Aenean imperdiet lacus sit amet elit porta
Raised: $250.00Goal: $200,000.00